Because curry chicken stew, that’s what it is, is so common in Jamaica, most people eat this stew at least once a week. And, not surprisingly, the several different ways of preparing this delicious fare is not lacking.
From house to house the varying flavors, stew-density, and aroma, makes it impossible to pinpoint any one preparation method to please the palate.
The beautiful stories you hear from different cooks, extolling one curry chicken cooking style over another, is really cool. Yah Mon! Amidst the passion, surety, and confidence, some cooks will swear that their granny is the best cook when it comes to this chicken dish.
However, you’ll hear that to replicate granny’s recipe is near to nil, because the ingredients we’re using today are different from granny’s days. I can understand that position as well but I don’t completely agree. Yet, I must confess when I was told to add tomato ketchup and jerk seasoning to give the stew a kick I was surprised. Oh yeah!
And, to add insult to injury, I now see packaged jerk curry on the supermarket shelves…Yah Mon!
So, take this recipe as you see it as only one method.
Your food is ready.